• The death and resurrection of Jesus Christ fulfilled all requirements of the redemption of the earth and the people on the earth. Eph 1:7; Gal 3:13; Is 44:22. 

• One New Man (Jew, Gentile, Christ….. ONE). Eph 2:11-22.

• The body and the blood of Jesus paid the price for the full inheritance restored back to those who are born again through Jesus Christ. John 3:16. • Choosing Christ is choosing Life. Gal 1:26-27

• The Foundation of the Apostles and Prophets. Eph 2:20

• Five-Fold Apostolic Government. Eph 4:11-13

• The Body of Christ as one—One Body, undivided. 1 Corinthians 12:12-27 • Restoring the Body of Christ to God’s Appointed Times and Feasts. Lev 23.

• Hosting God’s Presence for Fullness and Restoration. Col 2.

• Foundational Keys of love, forgiveness, and mercy. 1 Cor 13:13; Eph 4:32; Matt 6:14; Luke 6:36.

• Five steps to Restoration: Revelation, Impartation, Activation, Multiplication, and Dominion. Matt 16:17; Jer 30:17; Joel 2: 25-26; Prov 3: 5-6;

• Bringing Heaven to Earth; Church age is a blessing; Kingdom Age is to subdue the enemy. Matt 6: 9- 10

• Advance the Kingdom by Advancing the Army; Plumbline of Asking “How does this Advance the Kingdom of God?” Rom 14:17; Matt 28: 16-20.

• Empowering God’s people to know who they are and the purpose of which they were born

• Honoring all God’s people as His gift. Rom 12:9-13.

• The Supply of the Holy Spirit released through each member of the Body of Christ

• Bringing the Abraham/Isaac/Jacob Generation together as One

• Restoring Individuals in healing, deliverance, prophetic revelation, restoration of body, mind, soul, spirit, and emotions to wholeness

• God’s Provision for Kingdom Advancement begins with using what we have. Ex 4:2.

• The Anointing is on the Assignment. 1 Cor 7:17

• The Father gives identity to His children. Eph 2:10; Gen 1:27; John 15:15.

• God is calling forth the full return on His investment of the Blood of Jesus

• Kingdom Culture; We will never come together in our own cultures. Only Kingdom Culture

• The Hebrew Tribe of Zebulun’s attributes; Bringing Supply to and for the Kingdom of God, Funding Kingdom Enterprises, Developing Kingdom Resources(Businesses) Writing, Music, and Empowering and Mentoring Individuals, groups, and enterprises to help them fulfill Kingdom purposes