What are First Fruits?

Honor the Lord with the Firstfruits of ALL your crops; then your barns will be filled
to overflowing, and your vats will bring over with new wine.
Proverbs 3:9-10

Walking in Firstfruit giving sets you up to receive God’s blessings in every area of your life. We, meaning modern society, operates from the Gregorian calendar (2020, 2021, 2022) however God operates from His calendar, the Hebrew calendar, which contains the original timing that was followed in biblical times.

God has set into place Rosh Chodesh (First Fruit): First Fruit celebration is not an Old Testament concept but is included in the word of God from Genesis through Revelation. First Fruits is a principle of God that sets His people into a harvest mentality. Duet. 26 tells us that when Israel entered into the Promise Land they put the first portion of their harvest in a basket and gave it to the priests and publicly declared the goodness and faithfulness of God. In response to their First Fruit giving in Duet 26.19, we recognize that First Fruits is a major key to living in favor and prosperity with God.

In response to their First Fruit giving He says, “The Lord will make you high above all nations which he has made, in praise, and in fame, and in honor; and you shall be a people holy to the Lord.” First Fruits is a ‘first’ and not a tithe. One-tenth of the whole crop was given to God as a tithe. The First Fruit amount is a small portion, a seed that is planted for a future harvest. It opens the door for blessings to come so that you have a harvest. Just think: If there is no seed, there is no harvest. Seeds turn into harvest which turns into a seed that turns into the harvest.

The celebration of First Fruits begins at each monthly new moon. It signifies new beginnings. It is a time when the family of God gathers together to honor the LORD with their giving and to hear prophetically what the Lord is saying for the month ahead so we can advance and increase in revelation and strategy. Each month is also associated with one of the tribes of Israel. God has taught us that as we honor and celebrate First Fruits it opens the way for the cycle of increase and blessings. God set into place Rosh Chodesh, First Fruit as a principle and practice to give God our first in thanksgiving for all He has given to us. Practicing First Fruits is a lifestyle of a believer in Christ.

First Fruit Scriptures

We have First Fruits of the Spirit – Romans 8:23 We have First Fruits of the Spirit – Romans 8:23

Christ the First Fruit 1 Cor. 15:20-23

We are the First Fruits- He chose to give us birth through the word of truth, that we would be a kind of firstfruits of His creation. James 1:18

Disciples are First Fruit- Salute my well-beloved Epaenetus, who is the firstfruits of Achaia to Christ. Romans. 16:5

Those who are redeemed are the First Fruit to God- Rev. 14:4

Significance of Firstfruits

1. Honors God as your source, which is a declaration that has blessed you.

2. Sanctifies and makes holy the rest of your income. Rom. 11:16 If the Firstfruits is holy, then the whole batch is holy.

3. Releases the fullness of God’s blessing. Ezek. 44:30 “Give the first portion… so a blessing may rest on your household.