Do you love to pray?

Please join us for intercessory prayer

Next Upcoming Event
17 September 2024
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We believe intercession is the very vehicle that moves and brings heaven to earth. Prayer is not an activity, it is a state of being. We don’t come with our agenda, but we yield to Holy Spirit to lead us into the agenda of heaven. Every intercession time is joining the heart of God with His people and filled with revelation that manifests itself in the earth.

Apostolic Prayer and Declaration paves the way for the Kingdom of God to be established on the earth. Prophetic Intercession executes God’s plan through the people of God to overthrow the enemies of His Kingdom in order to establish the will of God throughout the earth. Spiritual Warfare strategies are released to bring victory. It is then that the unlocking of the wealth of heaven is completed which is necessary for the Kingdom of God harvest in days ahead.